Februari 01, 2012

Arslybra's Biggest Magic Secret Finally Revealed, Eps.2 : Card Change

Welcome to my Magic Trick Revealed, performed by me several years ago. Okay let's check this video.

First, I'm apologize for the quality of the video. It was recorded in my room which has a poor light. But you

can see the trick, right? The darkness is not part of the trick.

Okay, I wanna explain the trick before I reveal it. I have 4 cards, one Ace of Spade and three Kings of

Hearts. I put the Ace in the third from left, and make a pile. I turn the pile face down and snap my finger. Then

I show you that the two Kings is change to Ace of Spade. Now I have three Aces of Spade, and one King of

Heart. I put the king in the first from left/top pile. I turn the pile face down again, and snap my finger gently,

and Walaaaa.......the King of Heart changing to Ace of Spade too, and finally I have 4 Aces of Spade.

Now, I'll reveal the trick. In this trick, I used 3 gimmick card and 1 regular card.. A gimmmick card is a

special card, just not the ordinary card. And the gimmick card is the King of Heart. The 3 King cards are

"Double Face" Card. Do you know what I mean?

A normal card always has one Face Side (which has the picture or Number on it) and one Back Side (which

usually has a same colour in a deck).

And the gimmick is double face card, which means no back side on this card. The gimmick has the King of 

Heart on one side, and the Ace of Spades on the other side.

If you watch carefully, I believe you can find out how the trick works.

I show you one Ace of Spade (normal card) and 3 Kings of Heart (gimmick card). I put the ace in the third

card from the left/top, then I turned it down. Exactly what I did were turned over the top 3 cards only. You

can see there's a King face up when I turned over the pile. I put the Ace in the third because the Ace is the

only card which has the back side, and it will covers the illusion of the 2 Kings have the back too.

Next, I were not turned up the pile as I turned it over before. I just slide the pile, and of course you'll see the

2 kings changed to Ace of Spade. The truth is, the 2 new Aces of Spade are just the other side of the King of

heart (It's a double face card, remember?).

In the second phase, I put the Ace (normal card) just below the remain King, because I want to turn the King

over and the back of the Ace covers the illusion just like before. Finally, I slide it again, and you'll see all card

is Ace of Spade.

Okay, sekian dulu reveal dari Saya. Semoga reveal ini makin membuka pemikiran Anda tentang dunia magic.

We do what you don't know, and what you can't see.

Nantikan reveal trick selanjutnya tetap dengan Saya, Ars Lybra the Awesome.



1 komentar:

  1. The first post that I wrote in english. Wew...I did it. Just a few correction in some word.
